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Drones-taxis come to town, Varese presents the vertiport project

droni taxi Varese

Drones-taxis come to town, Varese presents the vertiport project

Drones-taxis are now a reality not only in large cities such as Milan, where the first flying taxis will already arrive on the occasion of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics, and Rome, thanks to the agreement signed with Rome Airports that should lead to the realisation – within three years – of a zero-emission drone-taxi service, but also in smaller realities.

This is the case, for example, in the city of Varese, where the city’s vertiporto project was presented in recent weeks, an urban stop for electric drones-taxis that promises to boost rapid connections with Malpensa airport, the canton of Ticino and the metropolitan area by creating an intermediate station for drones used to transport people and goods.

The project was first mentioned as early as 2022, but only today did it come to life with the presentation video made for FS Sistemi Urbani, of the Italian State Railways Group.

“The city of Varese has long since initiated a discussion table with other entities and realities to foster the network of connections with neighbouring areas, also favouring a new aerial mobility to complete all the opportunities to connect the station area with new technological developments, integrating not only rail and wheel mobility, but also vertical mobility,” explained the city’s mayor, Davide Galimberti.

The vertiport project at the centre of the current study is a zero-emission infrastructure located at a strategic point in the city, connected to the city’s railway stations.

The aim, however, is not only to transport citizens and tourists, but also goods: the service will in fact also make some essential services more efficient, for example by optimising the delivery time of certain medicines.

All our insights on the subject are available by clicking here.

Fonte: VareseNews