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Eight new Italian cities enter the FIAB-Comuni Ciclabili ranking

FIAB Comuni ciclabili

Eight new Italian cities enter the FIAB-Comuni Ciclabili ranking

Eight new Italian cities have entered the FIAB-ComuniCiclabili ranking, the recognition of the Italian Federation for the Environment and Cycling that evaluates and attests to the commitment of Italian territories to promoting cycling as a model of sustainable mobility.

In fact, the 7th edition of the event, which this year reached 179 adhering municipalities (equal to a territory that, as a whole, comprises 20.3% of the Italian population), has recently ended.

The eight new-entries for 2024 are: Aosta, marking the region’s entry into the network Valle d’Aosta, Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Fiscaglia (FE), Russi (RA), Fossacesia (CH), Ispani (SA) e Soave (VR).

Created with the aim of stimulating local administrations in the development of cycling policies, accompanying them along this virtuous path, FIAB-ComuniCiclabili assigns each territory a score from 1 to 5, assigned on the basis of an objective analysis of the multiple aspects interacting with cycling as a sustainable means of transport. Four areas of evaluation: urban mobility (urban cycling/infrastructure, traffic and speed moderation), governance (urban mobility policies and services), communication & promotion, cycling tourism.

In 2024, twelve municipalities received promotion. Achieving the maximum score of 5 bike-smiles the city of Bologna, for extending the 30 zone to a large part of the city, Borgarello (PV), Comune Ciclabile since the first edition and the first in Italy to decide not to grant patronage and public space to motoring events, and Cervia (RA) which has completed its own section of the Adriatic Cycle Route.

They get the promotion from 3 to 4 bike smiles the city of Trento and the municipalities of Alba Adriatica (TE), Medolla (Unione Comuni Modenesi Area Nord-MO) e Crevalcore (Unione delle Terre d’Acqua-BO).

The 3-bike-smile promotion is obtained by Collegno (TO), Gemona del Friuli (UD), Tresignana (FE), Altidona (FM) e Giulianova (TE), which has distinguished itself for its commitment to Italy’s longest City 30 project: 45 km along the Abruzzo coastline, through the 7 Teramo municipalities of the ATS Città della Costa.

Of the almost 180 FIAB ComuniCiclabili, 38 are regional and/or provincial capitals. In northern Italy, in Valle d’Aosta, there is the newly-entered city of Aosta; in Piedmont, Turin and Cuneo; in Lombardy, Milan, Lecco, Bergamo and Brescia; in Veneto, Belluno, Padua, Treviso, Verona and Vicenza; in Friuli Venezia Giulia, there is Pordenone and, then, the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Emilia-Romagna is the region with the highest number of cycling municipalities: Bologna, Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ravenna, Ferrara e Rimini.

Source: TTS Italy