FIT Consulting is taking part to the UPPER project (UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN EUROPE) that is one of the European Commission’s large scale Missions projects and that kicked off on the 1st of January 2023.
FIT will assist the project coordinator UITP and scientific leader ETRA in managing this large partnership (40 partners) that will integrate an holistic approach to ease the cooperation among authorities and operators, offer a physical and digital environment to test the measures, update the existing SUMPs, optimize the PT offer in line with user needs and patterns. FIT in this project strongly believes in the need of a PT transport revolution toward a Mobility as a Right (MaaR) concept capable to involve the users in the overall mobility decision chain, trigger the behavioral change in favor of an attractive, efficient, reliable, safe, inclusive and affordable Public Transport system.
Project’s goals
UPPER aims at spearheading a Public Transport revolution that will strengthen the role of PT as the flagship of sustainability and innovation of mobility in cities, leading the transition towards zero-emission mobility which will become the cornerstone of climate-neutrality by 2030, in line with the goal of Cities Mission and the priorities of the Green Deal.
UPPER will put the Public Transport at the center of the mobility ecosystem by implementing a
combination of 84 push and pull measures, acting on the 5 innovation axes that condition users’ choices:
- mindset and culture
- urban mobility planning
- mobility services ecosystem
- road network management
- democratic governance
These measures will act in 4 different timescales (from shorter to longer-term):
- communication
- operations
- infrastructure
- urban fabric
UPPER is a very ambition project that involve more the 40 partner and manage 20 Million euro of grant to test its innovative tools in 10 pilots: Valencia, Ile de France, Rome, Mannheim, Oslo are UPPER Living Labs; while Lisbon, Leuven, Hannover, Budapest and Thessaloniki are Twinning
Sites, with the overall target of increasing the use of public transport by >30% and the user satisfaction by >25%, leaving nobody behind in the process.
Next Steps
On the 26th January, in Bruxelles, FIT Consulting will be leading the Pilot ecosystem workshop to start identifing the baseline of user needs and PT offers of the involved cities.
CINEA, on the 25th January, has organize a cluster workshop together with the other funded project SPINE (HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02-02) that will allow to share experience and ensure that 20 of the EU Cities in the front line in improving PT will be engaged.
For further information please contact our senior consultant Francesco Guaraldi: