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MaaS for Italy, the Mobility as a Service trial also starts in Abruzzo

MaaS Abruzzo

MaaS for Italy, the Mobility as a Service trial also starts in Abruzzo

After the start-up Emilia-Romagna of the Maas experiment within the framework of the “Mobility as a Service for Italy”, experimentation has also started in Abruzzo: for now only in the Costa dei Trabocchi area, but it will soon extend to the entire region.

In fact, the Abruzzo Region is one of the seven regions that won the ministerial public notice for the experimentation of the MaaS4Italy project and will be able to develop Maas policies and adapt the necessary technological equipment of local public transport companies with a funding of 2.3 million euro.

“The objective,” explained the Abruzzo Region’s Regional Councillor for Infrastructure and Transport, Umberto D’Annuntiis, “is to create a customised, more accessible and multi-modal service that integrates public transport with car-sharing or bike-sharing. By means of a specific application for smartphones, tablets and computers, it will not only be possible to plan a trip, but also to book and purchase multiple transport services in a single transaction and travel experience.

By registering on the dedicated website www.maas4abruzzo.it and answering a short questionnaire on your mobility habits, you will then receive a ‘welcome bonus‘ worth EUR 13 to buy a ticket. In addition, until December 2024, there is a cashback of 30% of the amount spent, up to a maximum of EUR 10, for each multimodal trip.

An additional bonus can be obtained by completing a second questionnaire. The MaaS4Abruzzo trial will give strong impetus to the digitisation of local public transport throughout the region, with the aim of providing an increasingly competitive alternative to private transport, contributing both to easier and cheaper travel for the citizens of Abruzzo and to improving environmental sustainability and quality of life in cities.

Source: TTS Italy