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Rome launches Clic Bus, the ‘on-demand bus’ service in the Massimina area

Roma Clic Bus

Rome launches Clic Bus, the ‘on-demand bus’ service in the Massimina area

On 4 September, experimentation will begin on the ‘dial-a-bus’, the new free service accessible to all, operating 7 days a week, which promises to implement the collective transport offer by supplementing the Local Public Transport service.

The trial will be active for the time being in the Massimina area, but the service can be extended to all neighbourhoods in the area straddling the Grande Raccordo Anulare.

How the service works

The on-demand bus service, ‘Clic bus’ the name, will operate via app or call and will be active 7/7, from 5.30 am to midnight, allowing people to move both in the district and to and from the Aurelia Fs station.

By downloading and registering on the ClicBus App, you will then be able to book a bus call: simply indicate the point of departure, destination and desired time. Reservations can be made every day, from 5.30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m., for journeys to be made no earlier than 30 minutes from the time of the request and in any case within the next 24 hours.

The capacity of the bus is 8 seats, which are also equipped to transport a wheelchair for passengers with reduced mobility.


“An innovative service for the benefit, in particular, of those who live in the suburbs where there is a greater need to implement the collective transport offer by integrating the Tpl,” said the councillor for Mobility of Roma Capitale, Eugenio Patanè, via his social channels. “The service will complement the existing public transport lines and will serve to make the collective mobility offer more capillary by also covering areas of the district where regular buses do not run. A passage that will instead be guaranteed by the ‘on-demand’ cars, which are smaller and more agile,” explained the councillor.