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‘The Future of Urban Logistics is Open’, Wednesday 18 September, as part of Next Generation Mobility, the speech by FIT Director Fabio Cartolano


‘The Future of Urban Logistics is Open’, Wednesday 18 September, as part of Next Generation Mobility, the speech by FIT Director Fabio Cartolano

On 18 and 19 September, at the Centro Congressi Unione Industriali di Torino, NEXT GENERATION MOBILITY returns, the event of the mobility chain during which institutions, companies, start-ups and universities have the opportunity to present mobility services and products, confronting each other through conferences and networking to increase professional skills and business.

On Wednesday 18 September, from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., in the Turin Room, the session ‘Urban redevelopment for the mobility of people and goods‘ will be held, in which FIT Consulting Director, Fabio Cartolano, will also take part with a speech entitled ‘The Future of Urban Logistics is Open: the Open Logistics Foundation initiative‘.

Urban logistics is becoming increasingly important in recent years for the management of traffic flows and the optimal use of public spaces, particularly roadside spaces (the so-called curbside management). Current challenges, such as incompatible digital platforms, high costs and lack of cooperation, can only be effectively addressed through a collaborative approach. Besides some specific case studies, the presentation will illustrate the role of the Open Logistics Foundation in promoting a neutral, community-based platform for the development and sharing of open-source software and hardware.

The session will be moderated by Marco Comelli and will also feature speeches by Stefania Giannuzzi, Regional Environmental Policy Expert, EIT Climate-KIC trainer coach, TEDx speaker and European Climate Pact Ambassador, Piedmont Region and Francesco Trentini, Research Coordinator, University of Milan-Bicocca; Randstad Research Italia.

The speeches will be followed by the workshop ‘Ciclo-logistics, the movement of goods in cities with cargo-bikes’ organised in cooperation with Assotrasporti, during which Carmine Arvonio, Enio Zambon and Secondo Sandiano will discuss ‘Last mile with effective, efficient and non-polluting means – analysis of regulatory and operational issues on which institutions need to pay attention’.

For more information on the session and how to participate, click here.